
Consolidate™ – Patented, “Smart Chemical Technology” that modifies concrete to be resistant to acids and other corrosive materials while maintaining a film-free surface. The “consolidated” surface accepts coatings but in the case of future coating failure, keeps any future corrosive attack localized and prevented from spreading under the coating. It allows for patching of failed coating rather than complete removal and replacement.
Consolidate™ was developed as the second of a 2-step chemical treatment system for use with Convert™ to prepare and protect concrete before application of an industrial coating. The Convert™ & Consolidate™ System remediates acid and corrosives-damaged concrete then protects it against future damage and localize coating failure. When applied to the “converted” surface it chemically reacts with the concrete substrate to create a denser, ceramic-like material that is more resistant to future corrosive attack. It can be safely used indoors, outdoors and in confined spaces. Only for use on surfaces that have first been treated with Convert™.
- Wastewater treatment plants – (protection against H2S)
- Concrete exposed to acid & corrosives
- Food & fruit storage facilities (attack from sugars)
- Mining facilities
- Heavy industrial facilities
- Concrete in high-acidic soil conditions
- With Convert™ – as part of a 2-step system to remediate then protect acid-damaged concrete prior to coating installation
Consolidate™ comes ready to use. Do not dilute the product.
Wash the surface well with water, blow away any standing/pooled water. Apply Consolidate™ liberally by low pressure spray. (DO NOT ATOMIZE). Apply sufficient to diffuse into the substrate but do not allow to pool and leave a film. When still wet, remove excess by working into the substrate with a brush or wiping.
Leave to dwell for a MINIMUM of 18-24 hours.
After sufficient dwell time, a final wash or pressure wash may be required to remove any residues, films or collected dirt prior to coating application.
Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for complete application instructions.
Dwell times range from 18 to 24 hours – depending on condition of concrete. Use in temperatures above freezing / 50C.
Do not allow Consolidate™to pool, harden on the surface and create a film. When still wet, work excess product into the substrate with a brush.
Avoid rain interference or hot temperatures or direct sun which will cause product to evaporate.
Ensure surface is clean and free of any residues and excess product film. Ensure surface profile is compatible with the Manufacturer’s recommendation of the selected coating.
To test the substrate to see if it is dry enough for the coating to be applied, use the “Plastic Sheet Method” (ASTM D4263-83) Tape a small square of polyethylene (eg. 12” x 12”) to the concrete substrate and watch for moisture buildup on the plastic. This can occur over the period of about 16 hours.
100-150 square feet / 1 US Gallon
500-750 square feet / 5 US Gallon
Available Sizing
5 US gallon pail
Large sizes available upon request
Acid-proofing treatment for concrete.