
Convert™ – Patented, “Smart Chemical Technology” for in-situ remediation of acid and corrosives-damaged concrete or to surface prep and rebalance the pH of new concrete.
Convert™ was developed as the first of a 2-step chemical treatment system for use with Consolidate™ to specifically treat and protect acid-damaged concrete. When applied, it infuses in and purges excessive insoluble salts to the surface, regulating the pH of the concrete to make it “healthier”. It provides essential chemical surface prep to ensure adhesion between in-service concrete and patching compounds, coatings or any other subsequent treatment.
It can also be used as a standalone product, as a surface preparation treatment prior to coating installation or part of a system for treatment of ASR-impacted concrete. It can be safely used indoors, outdoors and in confined spaces.
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Concrete exposed to acid & corrosives
- Food & fruit storage facilities (attack from sugars)
- ASR-impacted concrete (when used with WashAway Xtreme™ and VersaGuard™)
- Mining facilities
- Heavy industrial facilities
- Concrete in high-acidic soil conditions
- With Consolidate™ – as part of a 2-step system to remediate then protect acid-damaged concrete
Remove all existing coatings and ensure concrete is fully exposed prior to treatment with Convert™. Pressure wash the entire surface to remove all loose debris / dirt leaving the cleanest substrate possible. Apply very liberally by spray or pour and squeegee method to fully saturate the substrate. Leave to dwell for a MINIMUM of 6 hours.
Refer to the Technical Data Sheet for complete application instructions.
To address and treat ASR-impacted concrete, Convert™ then WashAway Xtreme™ then VersaGuard™ is recommended. Please contact Protocol directly for more information.
Remove product and purged insoluble salts by pressure washing well. Ensure surface is well cleaned. Excessive effluent resulting from washing the concrete surface after treating with Convert™ can be directed into the sump. The pH of the water will be mildly alkaline and the sump will contain residual alkalinity and insoluble salts extracted in the process.
Test the concrete’s pH before and after the Convert™ process. Soak with distilled or de-ionized water and use litmus paper (pH strips). Once the Convert™ process is completed, this will provide the concrete substrate with a pH reading above 7.
80 – 150 square feet / 1 US Gallon
400 – 750 square feet / 5 US Gallon
Available Sizing
5 US gallon pail
Large sizes available upon request
Dwell times range from 6 hours to longer – depending on condition of concrete. The surface will turn white as insoluble salts are purged to the surface. In colder temperatures, (ambient and substrate) longer dwell times will be needed.
Avoid rain interference or hot temperatures or direct sun which will cause product to evaporate. Ensure the surface remains “wet” and product does dry out.
Substrate age and condition and temperatures will all affect dwell time and results.
Remediation treatment for acid/corrosives/ASR damaged concrete.